EDUCATION: And The Internet

I’m seeing more and more hits from Turn It In lately in the stats.  Checking the stats occasionally is a fascinating experience; I love seeing what’s been Googled to lead the Googlers here.  It’s amazing.  It’s also made me more aware of what photos in particular that I’m posting, and I’ve been removing some of the oldies, such as those of my dad, because I really didn’t think they’d end up on the Google Image finder.

While I was alert to the fact that many students were coming here to check out the postings on literature, I overcame my reluctance and figured that heck, if I could give somebody some different way of looking at a text, well, fine.  But the Turn It In stats point to plagiarism, someone likely lifting whole paragraphs from the posts.  Not good, kiddies–the ideas are free for the taking (if you agree with them), the words aren’t. 

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One Response to EDUCATION: And The Internet

  1. Anne says:

    You have STATS?!? I’m so jealous. I have 8 readers and one cranky rat. I tried to use a statcounter, but i keep getting a canned laughtrack instead of numbers.

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